NEF 2.5 Diesel Engine

In some overseas countries, tax regulations limits the engine capacity to 2.5 liters. Vehicles with higher engine capacity attract higher taxes leading to higher retail price to customers. The newly developed NEF 2.6 Diesel Engine had an engine capacity of 2.6 liters and hence attracted higher taxes. Engineering teams modified the existing NEF 2.6 literContinue reading “NEF 2.5 Diesel Engine”


Scorpio was the first vehicle to be designed & developed by M&M from scratch involving Design, Engineering and Manufacturing – an in-house attempt with the help of consultants and suppliers. The new vehicle development project was done at IDAM (Integrated Design and Manufacturing) – a CFT, with people from all related functions. The team wasContinue reading “Scorpio”

Cabking 576 DI

The Cabking 576 vehicle was fitted with the new and more fuel efficient NEF 2.6 DI NA engine and the model was renamed as Cabking 576 DI. The specifications of the Cabking 576 DI were – This model was great success in some specific markets and in specific operations. The tipper lorry in Kerala wasContinue reading “Cabking 576 DI”

NEF 2.6 Diesel Engine

The NEF Diesel Engine was major project to develop a more fuel efficient Direct Injection Diesel engine to replace the ageing IDI engines for both tractor and later adopted for automotive products. The project was named as NEF – New Engine Family and was jointly developed with the help of M/s AVL, Austria. The NEFContinue reading “NEF 2.6 Diesel Engine”